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About Me

Hello, my name is Mike. I have a Bachelors Degree in Mathematics, a Post-Baccalaureate in Secondary Education, a Masters Degree in Curriculum and Instruction, and am currently a High School Mathematics teacher in the state of Vermont. I have received numerous Mathematical awards throughout my life, including the ROE (Recognition For Excellence Award) for my successful score on the Praxis II exam, 0061 Mathematical Content Knowledge (before they made it computerized aka 5165).


That picture is now 20 years old... yikes!


Below you will find links of a scanned copy of my ROE, along with the letter that came with it in the mail. (The links below will open in a new window, so you will not lose this page).


My ROE Award :  Click Here
My ROE Letter :  Click Here 


In my quest to help others pass this test, it has come to my attention that 95% of the practice exams out there on the internet are completely underwhelming. I was so upset by the lack of quality, organization, effort, challenging questions given, etc, that I decided to make my own test, which then resulted in the following website.


Satisfaction Guaranteed!  If there are ever any problems, email me at: